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Airport Information

Pattern Altitude

Helicopters: 1,250 ft. MSL

Small Aircraft: 1,750 ft. MSL

Large Aircraft: 2,500 ft. MSL


Radio Frequencies

Tower/CTAF: 120.575
Ground: 124.125
AWOS/ATIS: 118.775
Fort Worth Center App/Dep Control: 124.75
UHF Tower/Military: 233.7
Remote Communications Outlet (RCO): 122.3
Instrument Landing System (ILS): 111.7
Non-Directional Beacon (NDB): 341.0
Bonham (H) VORTACW: 114.6


Weight Bearing Capacity

Single wheel: 75,000
Double wheel: 100,000
Double tandem: 160,000




Runway 17L-35R
9,000' x 150' asphalt-concrete runway with precision markings. Strength rated at:

- 125,000 pounds single wheel      gear loading (SWL)

- 189,000 pounds dual wheel      gear loading (DWL)

- 326,000 pounds dual tandem      wheel gear loading (DTWL)


Runway 17R-35L
4,000' x 100' asphalt-concrete runway is for visual flight rules (VFR) daylight use only.

airport tower

Aerobatic Practice Area

      Aerobatic flight activity will be conducted within a 2 NM radius of the BYP290024.4, SFC to 5700´ MSL, SR–SS daily. The practice area is for waiver holders only. Pilots should use caution when operating in this area.

Designated Calm Wind Runway

      Runway 17L.

100 LL Self Serve

        Attended 0700-1600 Central or 1300-0100Z‡. After hours call 903-786-2666.