Grayson County Purchasing Office


Purchasing Agent:
Jodi Platt
Phone: 903-813-4259

Angela Stewart
Phone: 903-813-4404
  • Grayson County Courthouse
    Purchasing Agent

    100 W. Houston St. 3rd Floor
    Sherman, Texas 75090

    Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm

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The Purchasing Department is a member of the administrative services team of Grayson County. The county Purchasing Agent is charged with the responsibility of assuring fair and equitable treatment to all vendors without regard to political pressure or discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap, or sex.  

The Purchasing team is responsible for:

  • Auctions of Surplus Property
  • Central Supply Operations
  • Cooperative Purchasing Arrangements
  • Physical Inventory of fixed assets
  • Maintaining Surplus Property Warehouse
Bidding is the process by which competitive pricing is obtained. Bids can be via telephone, facsimile machine, informal written quotations, or sealed bids. The determination of which procedure is utilized for each request under $50,000 is made by the buying staff in accordance with the policies and procedures established by the Purchasing Agent and approved by Commissioners Court. All expenditures in excess of $50,000 must be handled by the formal sealed bid process in accordance with the State of Texas County Purchasing Act, excluding exemptions, as defined by the State of Texas, Attorney Generals Office, and inter-local agreements. See Local Government Code 262.

To sell Grayson County goods, services or supplies, your firm/company affirms that it is not:
  • Engaged in business with Iran, Sudan, or foreign terrorist organizations or is listed on the Comptroller’s list of companies known to have contracts with or provide supplies or services to a foreign terrorist organization under Government Code Section 2252, Sub-chapter F.
By accepting a purchase order/contract,  the Vendor (Professional or other applicable term defining the contracting party) verifies that it does not Boycott Israel, and agrees that during the term of this Agreement (Contract as applicable) will not Boycott Israel as that term is defined in Texas Government Code Section 808.001, as amended.
Formal sealed bids are opened in the Purchasing Conference Room at 10:00 AM. On Wednesday unless otherwise stated in the bid specifications. Vendors are encouraged to attend all publicly opened bids.

Contracts resulting from the formal sealed bid process are awarded by Commissioners Court during their regularly scheduled Tuesday meetings. Vendors are welcome (but not required) to attend. Agendas for these meetings are posted each Friday afternoon at the County Courthouse and on our website.

Please Note: Original bids and proposals become the property of Grayson County after the Official Bid Opening.

We are always ready and willing to help you complete your business in this department with a minimum of lost time and motion. If you have an item or product to sell, call for an appointment or come by the County Courthouse. Office hours for salesmen wanting to see the Purchasing Agent or staff are by appointment or time available 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. This office is closed on weekends and legal holidays.

It will be appreciated if you will make this Department the first point of contact when presenting your products to Grayson County. Because of the nature of your product, it may be desirable to put you in contact with the departments which use or may use such materials. Many of these departments are spread throughout the County, so your initial contact with us is important.

Under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Grayson County shall not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, and will give equal opportunity to those wishing to compete for County contracts.