Grayson County Development Services

  • The Fire Marshal’s Office does require a building permit for new construction of commercial, public or multifamily buildings (four units or larger) in the unincorporated areas of the Grayson County. Upon completion and approved inspection(s), the Fire Marshal’s Office will issue a certificate of compliance. Please visit the Fire Marshal’s page or contact their office for more information.
  • Grayson County does not have any zoning regulations for the unincorporated areas of the county outside of the Lake Ray Roberts Zoning District and the North Texas Regional Airport Zoning Regulation.

  • To view Zoning documents, or to see a map featuring the above named zoning boundaries, use the links on the left hand side of the page.

  • All subdivision of property must be in accordance with the Grayson County Subdivision Regulations.

  • Individual properties in Grayson County may be subject to Deed Restrictions, Restrictive Covenants and/or Home/Property Owners Associations obligations that can be researched through the Grayson County Clerk’s Deeds Records Department.
  • Grayson County does not issue Certificates of Occupancy or require building permits for single family residential structures.

  • Development Services does not maintain records of individual property surveys.

  • All subdivision of property must be in accordance with the Grayson County Subdivision Regulations.

  • To view Subdivision Regulations, Road Engineering and Construction Standards and the approved Fee Schedule, please click the corresponding links on the left.

  • Grayson County does require the completion of a Development Certificate for new E911 addresses, new culvert installations and floodplain determinations.

  • Property owners using an access easement in lieu of road frontage on a county maintained road to request an E-911 address must present all recorded documentation for review.

  • On-site Sewage Facilities Permit is required for the construction of any new or replacement septic systems.

  • Floodplain Development Permit and an Elevation Certificate is required for any development on property with any Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) encroachment.

  • Grayson County has adopted minimum infrastructure standards for Manufactured Home Rental Communities, which requires the completion of an application and approval by the Commissioners Court.