Geographic Information System (GIS) Services

Grayson County's GIS office falls under the Development Services Department and is responsible for all GIS services supporting the rural areas of Grayson County.  This includes assigning and maintaining 9-1-1 addresses inside of rural areas of Grayson County and for reporting any changes to the Texoma Council of Governments 9-1-1 office.   

Our support does not include property inside of an incorporated city unless otherwise specified.  You will need to contact that appropriate city.

If you need a 911 Address please fill out a Development Certificate by clicking the link: 


Development Certificate
GIS Data

  • GIS Manager
    Tom Rich
    Phone: (903) 813-4200 Ext. 2701

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Available Maps  
Commissioner Precincts County Boundary
Emergency Medical Service (EMS) Districts             FEMA Floodplain
Fire Department Districts Independent School Districts
Justice of the Peace/Constable Precincts Roads (Major to County and Private)
Voter Precincts  
Custom Services
Any custom service requests will be handled on a case-by-case bases and any agreements will have to be approved by the Department Director, County Judge and/or Commissioners Court