ARE YOU IN THE DATABASE? CodeRED is a geographical based system where street addresses are needed to select the telephone numbers that will receive emergency notification calls. Public databases have been used to collect telephone numbers for existing Grayson County home and businesses and have been placed into the CodeRED database. However, sometimes the public databases contain outdated information, thus no one should automatically assume his or her telephone number is included. All individuals and businesses should register, especially if you have an unlisted phone number, have changed your phone number or address within the last year, or you use a cellular phone as your home phone.
SPECIAL NOTE ABOUT CALLER ID : The following numbers will display when you receive an emergency notification. We encourage all cell phone users to save these numbers in their phones for quick recognition of these important warnings at time of delivery. You may call these numbers back and receive the last warning message if you miss the call although a message should be left for you on your answering machine or voicemail.
866-419-5000 or Emergency Comm for Emergency Notifications
855-969-4636 or ECN Community for General Notifications
800-566-9780 or Emergency Comm for CodeRED Weather Warning Alerts
HOW DO I REGISTER? The following information is required to add a telephone number into the "CodeRED" database: first and last name; address (physical address, no P.O. boxes); city; state; Zip Code; and primary phone number. A primary phone number is most likely the identified home phone number. An alternate phone number, such as a mobile phone, can also be entered and both the primary and alternate line will be contacted in the event of an emergency. The system works with cellular phones but requires a valid street address. When entering information, please fill out all of the screens because the newest data entered will replace the old data.
For those who are hearing impaired the Internet update offers a TDD ONLY option for tone delivery of emergency messages. Messages delivered to phone numbers marked TDD will only be delivered in a TDD/TTY format. Residents without Internet access may visit any of the public libraries within the county to use a computer or call the Grayson County Office of Emergency Management at 903.813.4231 to give their information over the phone.
THIS SYSTEM WILL ONLY BE USED FOR EMERGENCY PURPOSES UNLESS YOU OPT-IN FOR NON-EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS. Examples of times when the CodeRED system could be utilized: severe weather notifications, drinking water contamination, evacuation notice & route, missing person, fires requiring your action or floods, bomb threat, hostage situation, chemical spill or gas leak, and other emergency incidents where rapid and accurate notification is essential for life safety.
IF YOU WANT NON-EMERGENCY NOTICES FROM THE CITY OR COUNTY - such as information about water, solid waste or other service interruptions, please make sure you enroll in the "General Notifications" option.
CodeRED WEATHER WARNING A BONUS FEATURE Grayson county Residents can also sign up for CodeRED Weather Warning while signing up for CodeRED. The CodeRED Weather Warning will automatically call citizens when severe weather (tornado, flash flood, and severe thunderstorm) warnings are issued by the National Weather Service for your address. The CodeRED Weather Warning System calls only when warnings are issued and only if your address is in the path of the storm.