Specialized caseloads are used as a primary strategy to manage high risk and special needs offenders through the intensification of supervision services. Specially trained Community Corrections Officers supervise caseloads of 25 to 50 offenders who share similar problems, such as substance abuse, mental impairments, language barriers, or compulsive sexual behavior.
The Grayson County CSCD provides the following specialized caseloads:
- Drug Court
- Substance Abuse
- Mental Impairment / TCOOMI / MHMR
- Non-English Speaking
- Sex Offender
Offenders are court ordered to these caseloads for a minimum of six months in some cases and a maximum time which is established by the Court. The number of contacts with offenders is more frequent than contacts with probationers on regular supervision to ensure community safety, to increase structure for the offender in order to promote positive change, and, therefore, increase their success rate on probation. Offenders on these caseloads are also brought together with the resources that fit their needs such as Texas Rehabilitation Commission, local MHMR, counseling, literacy agencies, and treatment facilities.
Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment
CSCD provides Treatment Alternative Intervention Program (TAIP) evaluations, which include a comprehensive screening and assessment to determine the need for substance abuse services and/or referrals. Licensed chemical dependency counselors are on staff to provide in-house supportive outpatient treatment, Recovery Court relapse prevention, and aftercare substance abuse counseling for those who have completed an inpatient treatment program. Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT), Thinking For Good, education, and instruction of positive coping skills are used as cognitive approaches for changing behavior and decreasing re-offending.